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Support Services

What We Can Provide.
Household tasks

One of our diligent and friendly support workers will assist with a variety of household and domestic tasks, including cleaning, tidying, laundry and cooking.

Gardening and yard maintenance

To keep the outside of your residence as neat and care for as the inside, our support staff can work their magic on a neglected garden, or simply mow the lawn, rake leaves and generally tidy up.

Personal care

Our respectful and empathetic support workers can assist with all types of personal hygiene care, such as showering and bathing, toileting, dressing, help getting in and out of bed, and assistance with medication.


Assistance with shopping for, preparing and cooking nutritious, balanced meals can be provided, as well as feeding assistance if required.

Appointments and Outings

To encourage social and community participation, our support staff can provide transport to community events, social outings and appointments, and can accompany clients to medical appointments and on shopping trips.


Our caring staff can provide transport or can assist clients with accessing public transport for a variety of appointments and social outings. This enables our clients to achieve greater independence and to participate in a wider range of events and activities.

Aged Care

Our highly qualified, experienced and caring support workers will assist elderly and vulnerable clients with all aspects of personal and home care to support their wellbeing and sense of independence in their own homes.

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